Freedom passes unchecked
"Chris!" wrote in
When all the old ladies get on the bus in front of me it says
"Travelcard Z1-6D" not "F'DOM PASS". Are you sure you have been
looking at the display?
Yes. I swear that on Thursday it said F'DOM PASS" or something like
that. It stuck in my mind because I was surprised that the word FREEDOM
in full wouldn't have fitted.
The only pass that seems to make a funny noise is the kids travel
Seen as everyone you are moaning about is a "young man", could you
possibly have confused their correctly owned kids travel free pass
with a freedom pass?
No, this didn't make a funny noise, I was in the queue behind him on
Thursday, saw the Freedom Pass wallet and read the display.
Or could the pass be the one given to all people who live with a bus
No idea!
How do you know he didn't have learning difficulties? Not everyone
with learning difficulties is short, wears glasses, dribbles and is
confused! Dsylexia (spelt wrong, I am sure) counts as a learning
difficulty but has no visible signs
Oh, true. But surely having dyslexia is not enough to qualify you for
free travel on tubes and buses?
I mean, surely you have to have a disability that will impair your
ability to travel? Now I've got 11 years' experience working in a
charity that has involvement with learning and communication
difficulties, including dyslexia. I wouldn't have thought that dyslexia
would qualify.
I mean, if I sprained my ankle and had to be in crutches for the next
week, would I get a freedom pass for a week? No. But I would probably
deserve one (for that time, until my mobility is improved). Why should
someone with dyslexia qualify or drug addiction qualify for free tube
and bus travel. That would be crazy... the world upside-down.....
Checking a freedom pass would be exaclty the same as checking someone
with an annual travelcard is the one using it (so making people touch
their pass on the reader, then show the photo to the driver). If the
drivers check these all the time it slows boarding and oyster was a
complete waste of time and money. So thats my theory why they don't
check freedom pass photos.
I guess that's a good theory. Saving time. It's what every sector of the
community appears to be doing these days. My best mate's wife is
pregnant at the moment. He wanted to know the sex of his child but they
wouldn't tell him. He asked whether it had anything to do with something
he read about people from a certain ethnic group who favour male progeny
and may bring about an abortion if the child is found to be female (he
reads the Mail... he probably got that story from there).
In fact, the reason is nothing to do with that. It's because checking
the sex of the foetus takes an extra 15 minutes, so certain NHS trusts
no longer do these checks - even if there is time - because if they did
it for one, they'd do it for everyone, and 15 minutes for every scan
means there's not enough time in the day.
So as you see, it's happening in all walks of life these days.....