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Old May 5th 06, 08:45 PM posted to
Nick Leverton Nick Leverton is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Nov 2003
Posts: 351
Default Exciting news on Thameslink 2000 (now "Thameslink Project")

In article . com,

A spokesman added: "The Thameslink 2000 project is a Network Rail
project it is a bit of a misnomer to call it Thameslink. The project is
now just called the Thameslink Project'.

I think he meant to say, "The Thameslink 2000 project is now 15 years
late and counting so it is a bit of a misnomer to call it Thameslink 2000.
That is why the project is now just called the Thameslink Project, it's
less embarrassing for all concerned in putting off the decisions."
