"Paul Weaver" wrote in message

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 02:07:13 +0100, Colin wrote:
That was the first time around many years ago, where the project was
killed off by a committee of (mainly Tory) London MP's with a 'not
in my back yard' and anti-subsidy agenda.
Things have somewhat progressed since then.
What, you call people that live in Manchester or Wales subsidising the
transport needs of Londoners "progress". All government subsidy is the
most definitely anything but progress, but when you charge people that
have no benefit whatsoever, you become worse then Ken!
If taxpayers do have to subsidise it, it should come out the local
taxes of London business and commuters.
On that basis, London taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidise Regional railway
TOCs that come nowhere near London or the various loss-making metros in
Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Nottingham, etc. Instead, Londoners'
huge taxes could be reduced, still leaving plenty over for fixing the Tube
and building Crossrails 1, 2, 3, etc.