In ,
John Rowland typed:,0.002494
From the aerial photo, it looks like two roads (Undercliff Road and
Halesworth Road) come out on Loampit Hill next to each other, with a
6-8 foot wall between them. I'm not aware of a feature like this
anywhere else, and can't help wondering why it was done here. It
would be more normal to run the side roads into each other so that
there was only one junction on Loampit Hill, and the land saved could
be built on or beautified.
Is there are difference in the altitude of the two roads as they
approach the junction? The possibility of this is suggested in the name
'Undercliff' and seems to be confirmed by the views of the rear gardens
of the properties in Undercliff Road and Shell Road (off Haleswaorth
Road). If the two roads approach the main road from different
altitudes, perhaps there was not enough room to join them before they
joined the main road.