TfL Local Journey Planner guide books
Recently TfL "lost interest" in publishing these guide books!. That's a
suprise, they never seem to finnish anything before giving up! Recent
books have been L2 Bruce Grove (Feb 06) and L3 Clapton (Mar 06) But
believe one other has been issued (Out of L1 Cockfosters, L8 Abbey Wood,
L10 Camberwell, L11 Blackheath, L12 Anerley, L14 Addington, L20 Feltham
L26 Archway. Idea's anyone?
I found guide L14, covering the Croydon area, on my doormat yesterday and
very useful it is too. Looks like it was published in March this year. The
book suggests that there are 28 books available covering the whole London
area. Do these not really exist or is it just that they haven't been
updated lately?