Strange sight in Thurrock - PRT?
BH Williams wrote:
"Mark Hewitt" wrote in message
"John Rowland" wrote in message
wrote in message
John Rowland wrote:
Today (Tuesday) at lunchtime I saw a car transporter at
the M25/A13 junction heading towards Tilbury. The cargo
was approximately 18 identical cabins, possibly for some
sort of PRT (personalised rapid transit). that either. Any clues?
I've occasionally seen the cabs for things like JCBs/similar
on the backs of car transporters - it wasn't those was it?
That was what they most resembled, thanks. I didn't know that JCB cabs
were seperable, and I still don't know why they would be!
So they can make them in one location then transport them for assembly.
Not so much for JCB, as they own their own plastic moulding plant in the
midlands, but possibly for Case (Doncaster)
Case are not in Doncaster any more.
The Caretaker .........