The Tube: top quality
Dave Arquati wrote:
It's very difficult to argue with less-than-anecdotal evidence and
figures plucked out of thin air.
Given that my fiances family live and work in Kiev I'm not entirely
sure which bit you think is less than anecdotal.
beyond comparison. Apples and oranges. £2.80 lets me travel round
Brighton all day by bus; £3 lets me travel round London all day by bus.
Does that mean Brighton is better value for money?
So if LU only had the central line for example , you'd be quite happy for
people to have monthly cards from epping that cost them a few quid? Since
obviously the only criteria for you is how many lines there are.
Incidentaly , the Moscow metro as I've said before is the busiest in the
world. I remember a monthly card being about 450 roubles. Thats 9 quid
at current exchange rates. I'm not quite sure where that leaves your
argument but holed below the water line would be my thoughts. Unless you're
going to insist thats a teensy ickle system compared to london too.