The Tube: top quality
Oh look , Mr Budget Media Talking Head has parachuted into the
discussion to devastate us with his insight. Ok , johny , lets play...
"John B" wrote:
a) compare Moscow workers' wages to London workers' wages (NB mean wage
doesn't cut it - Moscow's plutocrats drive around in Mercedes so don't
use the metro)
Ok , not the mean , how about the median then? Being , as you so modestly
put on your website "a highly capable analyst, a lucid and coherent writer,"
you could avail us all with your knowledge...
b) compare historical and cultural traditions in the ex-USSR to those
in the UK
You mean decent state subsidies for essential public services? I'm pretty sure
I remember us having something like that here.
c) compare yourself to someone with a clue.
Well what can I say , I'm not been "interviewed as an expert by the Economist,
the BBC, the Financial Times and the Telegraph". Was Andi Peters unavailable
at the time just out of interest?
Feel free to reflect on these comparisons and answer. Or preferably
Feel free to reflect on your website. If you're expecting to get business
from it you might want to consider an update.