Helen Edith Stephenson wrote:
It seems that every year, about this time of the year, the Woolwich
Ferry visits the Upper Pool of London. Here are this year's Tower Bridge
lift times:
Sat 22 Jul 16:30 Woolwich Ferry Up
Sat 22 Jul 17:00 Woolwich Ferry Down
Sun 23 Jul 18:30 Woolwich Ferry Up
Sun 23 Jul 19:00 Woolwich Ferry Down
Does anyone here know why the Woolwich Ferry ventures so far upriver?
Helen Edith Stephenson helen at baronmoss dot demon dot co dot uk
(I'm sure you can figure out what I mean!)
The crew, at their own expense, borrow one of the boats and take a
party of disadvantaged/disabled kids on a river trip to Tower Bridge
and back. It's not publicised and isn't a TfL sponsored jolly (TfL just
lend them the boat). The crews have been doing it in their own time for