New Eurostar line from Waterloo
JRS: In article , seen in, John Youles mines.a.pint@localhost.? posted
at Thu, 25 Sep 2003 17:31:15 :-
It's a great pity that a great joint mainline station was never built in London,
enabling interchange between all inter-city routes. But, St Pancras is next to
Kings Cross and close to Euston (perhaps a travolator will be built) so is
convenient for most routes north of London, and Stratford is convenient for East
Anglia. Connections for the west are dire however.
Build a four-or-more track main-line full-gauge railway, in at least two
bores, on a roughly circular route of two or three kilometres radius
centred on Nelson's Column, and at such a depth as to miss artificial
Join it to each major radial route with grade-separated junctions for
all directions, as if it were a motorway; but in some cases at least
allow direct access to at least 2 tracks in each direction round the
Use additional tracks where stations are needed, and there give
escalator / travelator / lift access to Underground stations and to the
Pay for it by selling off about half of each existing mail-line
terminus, which will no longer be needed.
© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. Turnpike v4.00 MIME. ©
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