tkd wrote:
Hey, has anyone else booked a cab online. I did the other night. Was
much cheaper than taking a black cab. the cab arrived on time and i
arrived home safely. By prepaying i didn't even have to go looking for
money at the end of a lonnng night :-) I think its a good idea, any
i used and will again :-D
Also whoever programmed the site couldn't
accurately add 5h 30m to GMT to get the time in India.
That's because they used this code:
new tzone('Los Angeles ', -8.11, 1, '#104973'),
new tzone('Montreal ', -4.11, 0, '#104973'),
new tzone('London ', +1, 0, '#104973'),
new tzone('New Delhi ', +5.30, 0, '#104973'),
new tzone('Sydney ', +10, 0, '#104973')
5h30m = 5.30, no? And as for those entries for LA and Montreal, I
can't even *imagine* what they were thinking...
Larry Lard
Replies to group please