2009 stock
On 14 Jul 2006 12:55:54 -0700, "Mizter T" wrote:
Paul Corfield wrote:
Oh I don't do confessions about work on here. Last time I got close to
doing that I got a load of abuse from some noggin about ticket gates -
I'm not going there again. I ended up having to unsubscribe for a while.
My comments were of course somewhat tounge in cheek... I'm not
expecting you to disclose all the intriguing and dirty details of LU's
inner workings, however much I'd be fascinated to read about them.
I'm not sure fascination is the quite the right word.
Incidentally, and whilst I'm in complimentary mood, I must say I've
greatly enjoyed reading some of your comments in/on* threads from the
past (courtesy of the time travelling machine that is google groups) -
thank you - several people seem to enjoy my rantings.
of course not forgetting the contributions of many other regulars - so
much so that I've found myself frustrated I wasn't a participant at the
time and able to post my own witterings. It's enlightening to get the
insiders analsis.
that would be analysis would it? the other word suggests something else
So don't unsubscribe as I've got lots of inane questions to come!
unsubscribes ;-)
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!