Watford Junction.. On the Met, Via Croxley...
On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 11:45:21 +0100, "John Rowland"
You should have come to the talk last night in Watford Town Hall, as
mentioned in this newsgroup by me on the 14th!
The news is that, to my surprise, it looks like it's going to go ahead.
The LU project team expect...
* funding to be approved in December 2003
* Public consultation - early 2004
* Transport And Works Act application Spring 2004
* Public Inquiry Autumn/Winter 2004
* Possibly start building early 2006
* Trains running 2008.
Other news: Watford High Street is to be made wheelchair accessible, along
with the new stations at Watford West and Ascot Road. (The platforms to be
used at Watford Junction are already wheelchair-accessible.).
Watford West station will have exits at both ends.
Having also been at the meeting (we did not make contact!) may I add
that the train service planned is simply diversion of the present
service from Watford Met (up to 7 per hour). No additional
Rickmansworth - Watford service is being considered at this stage.
Peter Lawrence