www.waspies.net wrote:
The problem is the double standards of Israel, the US and the UK, we
deplore killing such as 9/11 and 7/7 Madrid and quite right too, but our
government does not do the same when Israel kills over 300 Palestinians
including many innocent children.
Israel has overreacted, is destroying what was a country that was
economically becoming more developed welcoming tourists, it has
destroyed a milk factory, a power station bridges, the whole
infrastructure is being reduced to rubble.
I have no problem with attacks on the terrorists, but to stop a country
in its tracks from providing heat, food and water to its citizens is an
absolute disgrace, for the UK and US governments to refuse to use their
influence to stop Israel from attacking the civilians puts us in the
same boat as Israel in the eyes of the world and will only strengthen
resentment against us and make us more of a target.
Apparently there's a country in the Middle East with stockpiles of
weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, is in
violation of sixty or seventy UN resolutions, has a history of
aggression against its neighbours, denies human rights to people in
territories it is illegally occupying and is currently carrying out a
huge collective punishment, outlawed after the second world war (when
similar things were often done on a smaller scale by a party whose name
would result in this message being moderated away).
Quite clearly, only naive student politics would require anything to be
done about this.
I don't know much about their railway system.