Nick wrote:
"Mizter T" wrote in message
Paul Weaver wrote:
Kev wrote:
How come Ken Livingstone, the great environmentalist is allowed to get
away with dumping tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Couldn't he have
linked into this by video conferencing. That is what we are encouraged
to do .
Ken often delivers the opposite of what he preaches, hence massive
congestion as he throws more and more buses into London, and they end
up nose-to-tail for miles on end.
I fundamentally disagree with that. The bus service has improved
dramatically since his reforms, services are now far more reliable and
What reforms? Piles and piles of cash have been thrown at TfL bus services
thanks to chunky government grants (so they can persuade everyone the whole
Mayoral/GLA thing is working) and debts run up by TfL themselves. Unless
you're saying he's such a strong personality he can extract more money out
of central Govt than anyone else? I suppose the Kengestion Charge has
helped with additional funds for public transport, but I believe they are
small in comparison to the overall spend. Anyone who has been given such a
large amount of cash for spending on buses would've made them more reliable
and frequent, I wager.
The London Assembly disagrees, and criticising the Mayor is their
full-time occupation.
Dave Arquati
Imperial College, SW7 - Transport projects in London