In message , Paul Corfield
"The average commuter is spending more than 139 hours per year
commuting, increasing substantially for Londoners who spend the
equivalent of one whole month per year (225 hours a year) travelling to
and from work."
I accept they are talking about average times but I struggle to see how
the average is so low. My commute time is about 40 mins in the morning
and 50 in the evening and is not particularly onerous compared to those
of my immediate work colleagues most of whom travel a considerable
distance by main line rail.
My annual total, based on about 45 weeks for the working year, comes out
at 337.5 hours. While I don't know exactly how the authors of the study
calculated their numbers the implication is that there are a lot more
relatively short commuting journeys in order to drag the average down.
What are the totals for other group posters just so we can see if people
typically do have long or short trip times?
20 minutes each way on the bike (30 if the traffic's bad on the NCR).
It's 1 hour 20 if I decide to do it by train though.
So that would be about 225 hours?
Steve Fitzgerald has now left the building.
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