Waterloo & City line crane operation this weekend...
JMUpton2000 wrote:
The first car was lifted and lowered in about 11.30 with the next one
following about fifteen to twenty minutes later. As there were only
four (I left after the second one was in) I would guess it was all
over by one o'clock.
As there are 16 scheduled to go in next Saturday/Sunday I would
hazard a guess that there will be much more to see!
You stayed in bed too long!
When I arrived at about 9:30, two cars had already been lifted in and
they were having an extended tea-break. I watched while the third was
lifted in and the next one was 'wired up'. There were still another 4
cars there on low-loaders, awaiting their turn.
There are only 12 left for next weekend.