Tube Driver Faints
Boltar wrote:
"Cast_Iron" wrote in message
How someone reacts to a conversation and how they react to
a real event are
two totally different things. I also suffer the same
probelm and have
meaasured my length in a pub when a discussion I was in
got round to such
things (I did manage to put my pint on the bar first),
despite the fact that
the injury we were talking about was mine. I've have also
had to deal with
I guess your nickname on here is ironic then?
various emergencies and do so without folding up.
Uh huh. And what happens if someone gets injured and you
have to discuss it
with a paramedic? Will you just say "Oh , excuse me I feel
faint, I must go to the
powder room..." ??
One is what one is, grow up.