Oyster nonsense
On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:12:32 +0100, "tim \(back at home\)"
Just got myself a PAYG Oyster.
I CBA to stand in line at the counter and fill in a form
just to 'protect' my 5 pounds worth of credit.
But I am interested in knowing that it records my
journeys correctly so I go to the website, type in my
number and what do I get "We are unable to provide
this informaton for an unregistered card"
WTF not. Surely I should be as entitled to confirm
that the system has recorded my journeys correctly
as the next person.
Probably because of data protection act worries about who might be
tracking your unregistered card.
i.e. because you have elected to leave it unregistered, they cannot be
sure that it's not your stalker ex-girlfriend or evil employer trying
to track you.
If you register the card then it's usage can be tracked through your
online account but the burden for identifying that you are you has
shifted to yourself (i.e. you are expected to take care of the
username and password). With an unregistered card they don't have
those controls.
So rather than leave themselves open to accusation of being careless
with your data, they have maybe just instigated a blanket ban on
providing data for unregistered cards.
Or, it could be that it is simply too soon after the card was first