2 jailed for railway graffiti
Brian Begg-Robertson wrote:
There is not one scrap of evidence to prove that prison cuts crime rates.
NOT ONE SCRAP. Put the b*st*rds out on chain gangs 9-5 and have them
cleaning graffiti.of trains and walls themselves, but don't pretend that
prison is anything but writing off a young person for life.
So you ignored my question, and the quoted comment then. That's ONE
SCRAP of evidence, and it's pretty obvious that while you ARE right in
many cases (and I'd even go as far to agree that it quite probably is
most cases) it isn't ALL. If I can live in the real world, why can't
you? Prison does serve a valuable purpose.
What's the percentage of the prison population that's young
incidentally? If they're older is prison okay then?