ANNOUNCE: PlanAJourney - The BEST UK Journey Planner
In my haste to post details of the latest Journey Planner I made some
mistakes which I must put right. I should have given first priority to
clearing the text of my posting with Journeyplan, and must point out that the
comparison with 'Transport Direct' was my personal opinion, and not that of
Journeyplan Ltd. To clarify: my position with Journeyplan Ltd. is not as an
employee, but as a technical consultant.
Please accept my apologies for any misunderstanding.
On the technical side, and in response to some of your comments, please note
the following:
1. The planner does not contain details of local buses in England and Wales
and can only be used in its full multi-modal capacity for journeys wholly
within or between Scotland, Northern Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle
of Man. For both timetable and fares information we can only display the
information that we can source.
2. In addition to National Express and Rail services, data for England and
Wales includes some airport coach connections in order to properly integrate
air and rail services.
3. The rail portion of the planner uses nationally standardised connectional
Journeyplan always welcomes feedback and constructive criticism that helps to
improve the planner and urges users to continue to provide feedback via their
website They will investigate and respond to
each data issue that has been raised.
Thank you for your responses.
All the best,
Worth a visit: 'Free Our Data Campaign'
Iain Logan, Langholm, Dumfriesshire