Oyster options at ticket machines.
In message , Steve Peake
On 3 Oct 2003 17:04:48 GMT, Robin May wrote:
No one has commented on this yet so I thought I would.
I noticed today that ticket machines that previously didn't are now
offering the option to top up pre-pay ostercards and to buy new (rather
than renew old) monthly and weekly travelcards and bus passes).
Of course thats if you can find a station that will deal with Oyster cards.
SWT seems to have been asleep at the wheel as normal, and not a single
station in west london can load new tickets on, Feltham told me to go to
Richmond, Richmond told me to go to a Tube Station.
It seems this system was introduced at least 6 months too early.
As SWT rent APTIS from Sema and the machines are maintained by CTS - who
also provide the LUL's system, I would think the delay in TOC stations
issuing Oyster cards not SWT's fault.
Martin Summerfield