In reply to news post, which wrote
on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 -
As a regular user (victim) of Chiltern I have become more and more
convinced that they should have the strap line
"Chiltern Trains Not as good as we think we are"
They are bloody expensive, with lazy staff who can't be arsed to change
the destination on the front of the trains, or to give you information
when the service is crap, they have virtually no CCTV at their
stations, I could go on.
I have to say Chiltern have slipped a lot.
I know Marylebone is a mess, but I am getting tired of bad or no
information. I have written twice about my particular problems, not had
a reply yet, second time I wrote to the MD
Matthew P Jones -
My view of the Metropolitan Line - actually I like it
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