Robert Woolley wrote in message . ..
On 5 Oct 2003 11:16:51 -0700, (Volker Finke) wrote:
Robert Woolley wrote in message . ..
But if you aren't the car's registered keeper, then you're not
cheating them, are you?
You did return the tear-off slip from the V5 to DVLA when you sold the
car, didn't you?
Sure I did. The new owner already received his logbook.
Follow up then.
You did say that it is no longer your vehicle?
Sorry, I am afraid I did not explain the situation very clearly. I
sold the car two days after I was caught on camera driving on a bus
lane. That means that I actually committed the offense while still
being the registered keeper.
I now would like to find out my chances of getting away without paying
on the grounds of having already sold the car. Basically, I would like
to know what would be expecting me if I ignore the fine.