a new commute...
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Hi all,
I live in west malling and currently work in central london, which
makes for a nice hour long commute on the train. I've just been
offered a job in Sidcup, but don't know much about the area/traffic
etc, and am basically looking for advice on the commute - what you'd
recommend & what things are like on a day to day basis. I'd be aiming
to leave kent 7-7:30 and leave work about 5ish.
As I see it my options would be
a) Drive
b) Train to Swanley; bus to Sidcup
c) Train to St Mary Cray, bus to Sidcup
Any thoughts much appreciated.
I live a few miles from Sidcup and would definitely opt for option (a) and
drive, particularly if work offers you a parking space. Sidcup area is a
bit buggered at the moment with gas mains work in the High Street which is
creating long-ish queues around Sidcup routes in the peaks, though they
won't last forever. Don't despair if your commute take a little longer
before the High Street is back to normal.
I'd imagine train and bus would be a lot longer, even with congestion.