Free papers 'clog up underground'
Neil Williams wrote:
Mizter T wrote:
"Two new free newspapers have created 1.5 tonnes of extra waste on the
London Underground (LU), it has been claimed."
The railways and (slightly less so) the Tube are missing a trick with
newspapers, free or otherwise, in that they get picked up as rubbish.
Why not put a clearly-signed plastic newspaper rack in each vestibule
(perhaps facing the seats on the Tube so it doesn't get in the way of
standing passengers) and encourage passengers by way of notices and
announcements to leave any unused newspapers in the rack for another
person to read?
Tidier, more environmentally-friendly, good passenger service and would
cost next to nothing.
I am not sure that I would agree to taking up space that could be used
by a standing passenger for some stupid bin fror free newspapers. Just
make the damn things illegal. They are a waste or resources, a waste of
energy and not worth reading anyway. Why don't the green lobby come
down hard on this wasteful product.