Free papers 'clog up underground'
Kev wrote:
Dave Newt wrote:
So why did you say you want water in bottles banned from the tube?
Probably because the majority of the bottles aren't refills. Can't you
take a bit of light hearted banter.
I find it rather amusing the way people take bottles of water on trains
as if they are going on some sort of expedition.
At the weekend - and especially in the summer, but also throughout the
year - I'm often out and about in London town for several hours or
whole days on end, and leave the house without necessarily having an
overall plan for the day. So I'll put a refilled bottle of water in my
bag. I've no desire to spend money acquiring water if I can avoid doing
so (let alone sweet fizzy drinks), and like other posters here I object
to the waste caused by bottled water.