Lack of trains on the drain
The W&C has been worked off the main Leytonstone depot drivers' rota
for years.
Also the 1992TS on the W&C was "grounded" along with the main fleet
following the Chancery Lane derailment and similarly returned to
service after suitable modifications.
Although I believe the accessibility "humps" are probably a trial
pending installation on the rest of the system, surely the stairs
leading from the arrival platform at Waterloo means that disabled
travel is only possible in the northbound (officially "eastbound")
direction? i.e. you can go from Waterloo to Bank in a wheelchair but
never get back!
Also wouldn't it have been better the raise the height of all of the
platforms (or lower the track) to allow level access throughout? No
doubt the disability lobby will soon be claiming discrimination on the
grounds that they can only access one set of doors per train.