Oyster System to become national by default. Is this a cunning plot- shock horror
In message . com, at
07:06:32 on Sun, 24 Sep 2006, jonmorris remarked:
I hope that one day there will be a UK wide (maybe even Europe wide)
smart card system for ticketing. There's no physical reason for this
not happening, but you can be sure that there are many political
Sounds like one of those big public sector IT projects that fails to be
implemented properly. I'm quite impressed [1] at the way Oyster (and
separately the Congestion Charge) have been implemented over London, but
rolling it out to hundreds of provincial cities and deregulated bus
companies seems a little ambitious.
[1] As far as it goes. The inability to access my data via the web is a
bit of a let down; and things like having to nominate one specific
station for certain transactions has let me down in the past (when my
plans changed and I didn't go anywhere near that station after all -
something that's more likely to happen for an out-of-towner perhaps).
Roland Perry