Oyster System to become national by default. Is this a cunning plot- shock horror
Adrian Clark wrote:
Could this have a negative effect on pricing, though? I may not be
understanding the finer details of the Oyster system (down here in the
south London suburbs, there's no use for the cards) but I would have
thought such a system would involve standardised prices... ie reducing
the range of sub-Saver prices for tickets bought well in advance.
Certainly a change. No doubt with some negative aspects, as this would
be inevitable.
There are plans, or maybe just suggestions, to introduce a zone system
on national rail services into London. I don't know how this will
affect pricing on trains but it could well be a good thing. Let's be
It would certainly benefit anyone coming in from a long distance to
zone 1, e.g. Cambridge as you may well find you can travel the same
distance in another direction (assuming the zones are radial and not in
sections like north, northeast, south etc). It's going to be
interesting to see if any changes do happen as I can think of a few
potential problems. I am sure many other people can too.