Lack of trains on the drain
On 22 Sep 2006 10:54:57 -0700, "
A huge amount of cost and inconvenience for no discernible improvement:
as I said on this forum before the work even started! That's the
trouble with construction-company-led P.F.I. contracts of this sort: a
huge amount of money spent on cosmetic "improvements", for which huge
amounts are paid, rather than the basic service improvement. Who cares
what the stations look like cosmetically? Their purpose is for us to
spend as little time in them as possible after all!
Shows your usual lack of transport knowledge/understanding.
Closure of the Drain involved:
a) Replacement of all track between stations (not within them)
b) Some re-wiring
c) Major overhaul of all traind
d) Deep clean of stations and platform humps.
Many of the things the Tube needs replaced - like new track - are not
visibile to passengers but are very expensive and make a big
Not replacing/upgrading the track means eventually you can't operate a
rob at robertwoolley dot co dot uk