Railair Heathrow-Reading CANCELLED
In message .com, at
09:10:59 on Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Earl Purple
It's actually quite difficult to get from the A40/M40 to Reading (I used
to live quite close to the M40, north of Reading). The road is diverging
to the north quite significantly. I suppose you could try going via High
Wycombe and Maidenhead Thicket (as long as the M4 was OK west of there).
But it's an awful long way round.
M40, A404 and then A4 or A4155 according to your pick. Given the
circumstances, A4155 may be better option.
The 4155 is a non-starter even without people diverting off the M40.
Marlow is a nightmare bottleneck in the late afternoon, and you have to
get through Henley as well. If you want to keep off the M4/A4, carry on
to Lewknor and south via Nettlebed. An even bigger diversion (in miles)
Roland Perry