Lack of trains on the drain
On 29/09/2006 11:17, Rob wrote:
I wouldnt imagine theres enough room to start a fight!
Depends which way you go at what time.
I go Bank - Waterloo in the mornings against the flow - and we (usually)
have plenty of room and seats to chose from. You do have to watch out
for the (sometimes quite big) piles of news papers on the floor (and
getting stuck in the doors) and you normally have to open the windows
(Since people are still to scared to open windows for some odd reason) -
They all pour off at bank hot and smelly on a nice warm day, you get on
and wonder why all the windows are closed.
Its a shame there is no 'CD'/'RA' down there - Every once in a while I
get blocked by the rush of people getting off only to get to a door that
closes in my face. Since the drivers still play ping pong there, soon as
the back desk is closed the front one is opened and its down to the
driver how long he wants to give people to get off/on.