Newbie in need of help!
James Farrar wrote:
On 30 Sep 2006 09:10:48 -0700, "Poldie" wrote:
Accusing someone of "contradicting" an article on Usenet when it was
probable that they were using a Usenet client that was likely to have
been responsible for a delay which meant they weren't contradicting
them after all (at least, not knowingly).
I didn't accuse anyone of "contradicting" anything. It was Richard J
who did that.
Ok, I take that back, but you did seem to be upset with the fact I'm
not using a "real" news server & reader.
But saying "no replies were visible" an hour after
the reply in question was posted suggests you need to take a more
realistic view of the capabilities and performance of the service you
choose to use.
If that was all I'd said then yes, I'd have deserved your slightly
patronizing comments about people who weren't "technically savvy" doing
"silly things", but my comment, way back in my second contribution to
this thread was actually:
"At the point I answered, no replies was visible (using Google
which I thought made the situation clear enough. Apparantly I was wrong!