victormeldrewsyoungerbrother wrote:
Mark B wrote:
John Rowland wrote:
Weird. Areas of the country that *do* want tram schemes have them
refused, and areas that *don't* have them foisted upon them. Is
this a case of 'Nanny knows best?'.
Or its within the M25 - Don't the government want these used in the provinces so London can get
more trams etc?
'Press release 8 May 2006:-
'Moir Lockhead, Chief Executive of FirstGroup plc, said: "First is
committed to providing high quality public transport networks. [snip]
Cobblers! What a joke!
We've been waiting for years for
a) our trains between Portishead and Bristol to be reinstated, and
b) trams back in the city of Bristol
Guess what - 1st GW are in charge of both the buses, and the trains here.
They have a near monoploy of the first, so do damnall about the second!
The trams were initially killed by Dawn Primarola, through whose
constituency the trams wouldn't be running, and a Labour Council who were
frightened they might get "touched" for a financial conrtibution.
1stGW kept talking about making the railway line a concrete roadway for
guided buses, but the docks beat them to it and got most of the track
rebuilt, but the last two miles from Royal Portbury to Portishead, didn't,
and are still lying there, rusting and rotting. Come to think of it, they
are in probably in a better shape than the Hatfield track.......since
you-know-who weren't "maintaining" them!
They also said there wasn't enough track into Temple Meads, but its still
been there, as is the platform that was dedicated to our trains. Not to
mention that they have reopened all the outer platforms at TM once again,
after years of them quiet (and literally) vegetating, so only about 3 miles
of new signals would be needed.......... Oh, and reinstate the passing loop
near Pill station and one new point before Portbury.!
And they claim all this would cost millions............probably via just the
same accounting methods that enabled most of Beechings cuts to be carried
through despite more accurate figures from the protestors.
Lies, damned lies, and government statistics.