I agree audio announcements are pretty tiresome.
The re-vamped boards giving details on each line's service at station
entrances which seem to be getting updated regularly at the moment are
useful though. They don't take much effort to update and although
this does not make up for real improvements in service it makes a
difference - so lets see if TfL can deliver their long term goals as
well before we knock the marginal short term cosmetics...
On 7 Oct 2003 13:53:22 -0700,
(Adam) wrote:
Hi all-
Is it me, or is the whole 'good service' thing going on at the tube at
the moment annoying as hell? A good service to me would mean trains
every 1-2 minutes on all lines, drivers that do good, useful and clear
p.a. announcements and good value tickets !! Surely 'normal service'
would suffice! I bet this is part of TfL's scheme to differentiate the
new TfL tube from the old LUL management, but it just seems shallow to
Any comments??