kytelly wrote:
Tom Anderson wrote:
On Thu, 5 Oct 2006, mcf wrote:
If you go to see the Thames Barrier, you might to wait until Sunday,
when I believe it will be closed.
Heh. One of the few attractions that's better when closed than open!
Ok Next question is where is the best place to veiw the Barrier? From
the park itself?
One thing I failed to mention in my post elsewhere was that the Thames
Barrier Vistors Centre is/was on the south bank. However from
information online I can't work out if it's still open to the public,
or I'm desperately out of date and it's now just a facility for school
visits or perhaps it's closed altogether.
The Envornment Agency's Thames Barrier pages don't mention any visitors
centre at all:
Greenwich council's website talks of an Information & Learning Cent
If you click on the link below you'll conduct a Google search of the
Envirnment Agency website - clicking on the first link to a page about
the "Information and Learning Centre" leads to a 404 error of sorts,
but if you click on the cached page link from the Google results you'll
see a page about the centre.
So maybe it is no more. You could always call the Env. Agency Thames
region enquiries line on 08708 506 506 and ask. So could I, I guess,
but I haven't!
The way I remember things is that there's a better view from the south
bank. The Thames Barrier Park is the only way you can get up to the
riverside on the north bank - there's no riverside walkway on the north
side, unlike on the south (though I can't remember how complete the
riverside walk is on the south - there may be breaks where you have to
come 'inland' as it were).