Science Museum Parking on a Sunday?
Intend on taking a large tribe up to the museums on Sunday 22nd
October. The train/tube for all of us is over 160 quid, plus takes
about 1 hour longer in the car. Tempted to drive and would only do this
on a Sunday.
Here's the options I've found out about for seeing the South Kensington
museums on a Sunday. I'd really appreciate any advice here or extra
(1) Imperial College Car Park, South Kensington. Is there any chance
that there will be a space on a Sunday about lunch-time? Does it get
full on a Sunday? I don't mind how much it is, although wouldn't mind
knowing how much, as their website doesn't say.
(2) Street Parking. If we find a space on the single yellow, and read
the sign to make sure it's not a 'Resident Only' then any chance of
street parking around there? Any top tips or locations?
(3) Paid Car Park. I need a backup plan if all of the above go horribly
wrong. Any recommendation of the best paid carpark for the Sunday in
that area? Remember, this is a backup plan so I don't mind a short tube
ride, although lots of pushchairs will make that a bit harder, though
not impossible.
Thanks for any help or advice!