DLR to Charing Cross
Stuart wrote:
Londoncityslicker wrote:
Rumours are around as that corridor has always had a line of sorts.
Called the Fleet line if I remember.
However I wouldn't put it passed Ken to spend millions putting back
old railway lines. ;-)
The Fleet Line was the original name of the Jubilee Line. The
intention was to extend the Jubilee Line via Aldwych rather than via
Waterloo but apart from tunnels extending from the now-disused
platforms at Charing Cross none of it actually exsists. There's no
'old railway line' to open.
Because of deep foundations, few alignments for railways in the city are now
possible. The alignment from Fenchurch Street to Charing Cross was
safeguarded for the River/Fleet line, and so survived development for
decades. The office block on Cannon Street station was even built with a
hole through the foundations for the railway to fit through. The alignment
might even still be safeguarded, for all I know. So you could say that the
"old railway line" is still there on paper waiting to be opened.