DLR to Charing Cross
MIG wrote:
The the extension of the DLR will assist with creeping privatisation I
suspect, since the DLR isn't run by LU.
But my problem with it is that there would then be stumps at both Tower
Gateway and Bank. Various unpleasant possibilities a
1) One of the stumps closes.
2) There are infrequent or irregular services to each branch.
3) There are truncated journeys with limited patterns.
I know it's a bit like that already, but this could result in an
increased number of changes for existing journeys, despite it
apparently being a new through service. The DLR will effectively be
divided into a number of separate lines, even more than it currently is.
Maybe they could close Tower Gateway and have an station below ground
at Tower Hill on the new Charing X branch? That way the
Circle/District would get a decent connection with the DLR at long last.