Britains Crap Roads, Answers wanted
"John Rowland" wrote in message
Every traffic measure is monitored by the responsible authority six months
before and after its installation. If they were lethal, they would not be
still installing them.
Really, John? Just what does this "monitoring" consist of? Checking traffic
volumes electronically or actually spending a day (or more) physically
observing the way in which drivers are using the modified carriageway? I
have a view of the site from my window and have *never* seen anyone
monitoring traffic flows during the working day.
I have little doubt that no such "monitoring" has occurred at my local
installation, which consists of four reductions in carriageway width from
two lanes to a single lane within 200 yards (narrowed equally on both sides,
so that traffic passes through in the centre of the carriageway). Half an
hour observing would have revealed that, despite the traffic flow priority
signs, motorists hurtle through the chicanes at excessive speeds with scant
regard to oncoming vehicles with priority. Originally there was a raised,
paved area at the narrowest point of each chicane and they were relatively
effective - recently they have removed the raised area because it was
grounding ambulances and now the installation is ineffective and downright