Paul from SafeSpeed on BBC Breakfast today on Driving Offence Cameras
"Adrian" wrote in message
David from Oz ) gurgled happily, sounding much
like they were saying :
There was an item on driving offence cameras (e.g. box junction
offences, red light offences, right turn offences, bus lane offences
Paul from Safe Speed (a regular poster on this group)
Not for years.
was interviewed and argued against such measures stating his
view that that they did not *prevent * such offences, merely *punished*
but did not reduce the number of offices.
He's wrong. They do.
What they DON'T do, though, is do anything whatsoever about those whose
vehicles aren't registered legitimately.
They also fail to truly reflect the gravity of many of those offences. In
many cases, there's no "victim"
Depends on your understanding of 'victim'. I am quite often unable to
proceed due to traffic illegally blocking a box junction, and I welcome an
increase in the chances of them being caught and prosecuted. If I can't
proceed due to their lack of consideration am I not a victim? Obviously not
in terms of being injured but of being inconvenienced.