Paul from SafeSpeed on BBC Breakfast today on Driving OffenceCameras
Ian wrote:
Brimstone wrote:
David from Oz wrote:
Paul from Safe Speed (a regular poster on this group)
Paul hasn't posted on this group for a considerable period of time, not
under his own name anyway.
Perhaps he is too busy running the vast organisation that is Safespeed,
with its membership (at 45 quid a year) numbering, erm, curiously the
web site doesn't give any indication.
But hey, it must be for real, becase it has a bank account and
everything. Oh, hang on ...
How do I pay?
By Cheque
Make your cheque payable to Paul Smith and send it to ...
Very impressive.
OK Ian, what is your manifesto for giving us a high level of safety,
reasonable freedom for drivers, and pleasant and harmonious conditions
for all road users?
Paul has obviously put a great deal of effort and a considerable amount
of his own money into trying to do something constructive. It doesn't
entirely tally with how I would like things to be, but IMHO his regime
would be a lot better that what we have at present.
Best wishes all,