Paul from SafeSpeed on BBC Breakfast today on Driving Offence Cameras
TripleS wrote:
Ian wrote:
Perhaps he is too busy running the vast organisation that is Safespeed,
Paul has obviously put a great deal of effort and a considerable amount
of his own money into trying to do something constructive. It doesn't
entirely tally with how I would like things to be, but IMHO his regime
would be a lot better that what we have at present.
Nevertheless, he likes to present himself as the head of a significant
movement. That would be a more convincing claim if he gave membership
numbers, and wasn't putting any donations and membership fees straight
into a personal bank account.
Oh yes, and my manifesto ... 90mph on motorways, 80mph NSL, both -10mph
at night or in rain, rigorously enforced. Wanna send me 45 quid? Make
it out to "Creating A Safer Highway". The initials will do ...