Do cabbies own the road?
In message , FreddyFrith
"Boltar" wrote in message
This morning I saw a black cab do a u-turn on a busy 4 lane road. And
not for the
first time. Previously I've seen them stop suddenly in a red route to
pick up a fare,
sometimes blocking the road, cut up other drivers, jump red lights and
almost run
down some pedestrians. What is it about these guys that they think the
rules of
the road don't apply to them? Is it some macho compensation for having
to drive
around in a car that going by looks should have Noddy at the wheel? Or
they (as I suspect) just a bunch of arrogant b*stards who don't give a
about anyone or anything else on the road?
I reckon driving a black cab must be one the most crap & stressfull jobs in
London,I know several cab drivers & they all hate the job,imagine having to
drive around all day/night picking up strangers,I know for a fact that at
night cabbies have got to have their wits about them,one cab driver told me
that he picked up a fare in the West End & took him to Putney & on the way
there the guy took a **** on the floor of his cab,I asked him if that was
his tip but he didn't get the joke.
Sh*t happens :-)
Just like any job there are always some who hate it. Personally I love
the job. I start when I feel like it, finish when I feel like it, don't
have to ask anyone for permission to take holidays. I work nights. You
develop a sixth sense when it comes to people. As for the money, well
you'll never get rich as a London taxi driver but you'll never be poor
as long as you have your health.
Mike Hughes
A Taxi driver licensed for London and Brighton
at home in Tarring, West Sussex, England