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How can the congestion charge be increasing its area? When Transport
London has done little to address the real problem. The traffic flow in
London is bad, very bad and its not due to masses of traffic, but the
masses traffic generated by a poorly designed system that lack logic.
Traffic needs to flow and the constant stop start traffic lights adds
to the traffic. If we define traffic a the time a vehicle is on the
road as opposed to journey numbers, we can clearly see that stopping
400 cars to let 10 out that would have managed to get out within a
small percentage of the equivalent traffic time generated by stopping
400 cars for 1 minutes (400 minutes).
I would have thought cutting down on useless journeys would make even more
sense... Maybe to travel in central london, one should have to demonstrate
why, as opposed to just have the right... It *is* somewhat of a luxury to
many people, and should surely not be allowed to impact other people the way
it does...
If the roads were used in a more sensible fashion, the traffic lights
wouldn't seem so bad
Build of of rush hour traffic is also due to the role over of traffic
held up by these badly designed system. If these lights had simple
sensor systems; much cheaper that any single set of congestion charge
cameras. These would allow non rush hour traffic to flow better.
Eliminating the needless stooping when there are no cars at the
opposing lights.
If they put the need of the transport users first instead of revenue
generating schemes we could reduce the congestion with out the need
for this charge.
To often is the choice of a roundabout with traffic lights is taken,
when a roundabout would do. Traffic systems are designed for rush hour
traffic, most traffic system would benefit by having sensored lights.
Do you find your self waiting on the A4 at some light when nothing is
at the opposing lights. Would sensored lights not reduce traffic by
preventing pre rush hour build up. The flow of traffic is that bad that
it makes me think it could be a conspiracy, but it`s more likely to be
bad planning, which education board certify these town planners.
The big question is should the government have spent 90 million on
setting up the congestion charge or should it have been spent on
improving traffic flow. Why does every motorway inside the M25 need to
have a 50 or 40 mph limit? Big questions for Ken to answer. The real
solution is to have a continuous road through London, not as it
currently is where ever Major road is interrupted every 400 m with
traffic lights. If 10 cars wait at a filter lane rater than
a set of lights would these people not have gotten out of the junction
any way in the time the 400 cars at the lights have to wait. 400 extra
Mimi's of traffic as opposed to the 10 caused by those cars.
Until the they sort out the current system how can they charge for
congestion they cause. We need a real transport system that takes into
account non rush hour traffic, with sensored lights to prevent needless
stopping. All this extra traffic not only increase greenhouse gases but
also the amount you send on fuel and repairers.
If a speed limit is 30mph why are there bumps that would not allow
drivers to go over then at that speed. If you want a 20mph zone just
put the bumps but for a 30 zone the bumps must allow cars to drive at
that speed. Are local council neglecting some responsibilities and
placing traffic calming measures.
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