Paul from SafeSpeed on BBC Breakfast today on Driving Offence Cameras
On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 21:54:51 +0100, Brimstone wrote
(in message ):
Right so after all that you agree that traveliing at a slow speed does not,
in itself, cause someone to crash the car they're driving.
Which is actually irrelevant to the discussion - that driving slowly may well
mean that YOU don't have an accident. I have personally witnessed people who
didn't have an accident themselves but (very nearly) left a trail of
devastation in their wake. Driving excessively slowly for the condition DOES
result in an increase of risk overall due to the effect on other road users.
I dare say you'll argue that this is the fault of those that get frustrated,
but this would be falling into the same trap as those that pass
laws/regulations with no regard to human nature and wonder why they don't