Do cabbies own the road?
James Farrar wrote:
On 30 Oct 2006 02:42:52 -0800, "Earl Purple"
Zara Henderson wrote:
You could qualify for a cripple of the year award!! ****.
Enough is enough. I hope for your sake that your name is not really
Zara Henderson and that name is just an alias. You do know that
everything you enter on usenet is visible all around the world, and
there are probably not that many people called Zara Henderson around,
particularly who work in the City of London. What would your workmates
think if they came across these posts?
Probably "I always knew she was a ****".
I don't really like that word. I think "snob" is a better description
but certainly a very stereotyped view of people. Sounds like she
probably works in Human Resources.