d wrote:
"Tristán White" wrote in message
. 109.145...
Was on the tube longer than expected due to delays tonight. Finally got
to Canning Town busting for a wazz.
I ran - in the hope that they had forgotten to lock the toilets at the
brightly lit Canning Town bus station. But no, they were well locked,
including the disabled ones.
For ****'s sake.
Whilst waiting 15 minutes for a bus at Canning Town I was in pain. I was
close to going there and then but there were too many people.
(a) I'm not a yob and don't want an ASBO
(b) I wasn't drunk enough.
I think it is outrageous that they close the toilets so early. I paid
for those toilets out of my taxes, but they can't be bothered to man
them after about 8 o'clock. And it's after then when they're most
needed, after the pubs.
If you want your taxes or ticket prices increased dramatically to pay for
all these extra people manning all toilets around the network, then please
get a petition together and lobby your MP, or whoever you have to, in order
to get it changed.
It's ridiculous. Last month I saw (unintentionally, of course) this girl
have a wee on the ticket hall level of Canning Town station, between the
two escalators. From her expression she was clearly very embarrassed.
She was no yob, she was just caught short. Not hard to do when you have
problems with the tube service.
Who does one complain to? I complained to my MP ages ago via FaxyourMP
and got no answer.
The official reason for closing the toilets early is apparently
something to do with vandalism. Well why don't they have a coin system
then. I'd happily pay 20p after 8pm if that were the answer. Or have a
system that works well on the continent, or here in UK clubs, where you
have someone looking after the toilets and collecting tips. It works,
and it's not as though there's a shortage of people who would gladly
take the job for some money.
Then all the yobs have to do is spend 20p to cause £2,000 damage. great.
Now unless 10,000 people used the toilet before it was damaged, there is no
money to fix it.
The whole system is ridiculous.
People wanting to vandalise is ridiculous. Toilets being closed because of
it are just a side-effect.
In the end, in pain, I managed to hold on and got the bus and persuaded
a kebab shop at the Greengate to let me use their staff-only toilet.
I'm fed up with this. I know yobs are a problem, but shutting down WCs
out of fear of the yobs just will turn ordinary folk into "yobs"
themselves. No one appears to take any responsibility. And the staff at
the station don't give a **** - they have their own toilets.
It's not out of fear, but out of accounting. It costs a lot to keep toilets
manned, and where they are not, we've all seen the damage yobs can do to
them, and someone has to foot the bill (us). Public services can't just
throw our cash around - they have a mandate to spend sensibly. I guess
there are more pressing matters than people forgetting to use the toilet
before they travel late in the evening, and being caught short.
******** to the lot of them.
******** to the yobs, more like.
You want to try having IBS. Thankfully forward planning has prevented
the need to use the fetid, disease-ridden swamps that comprise most
public toilets in this country.
The London Assembly recently published a report on the stater of public
toilets in London. Presumably this is with an eye on 2012. It can be
found here under "An urgent need"