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Old November 2nd 06, 05:04 PM posted to
Tom Anderson Tom Anderson is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Oct 2003
Posts: 3,188
Default Olympic Transport Plan

On Thu, 2 Nov 2006, solar penguin wrote:

Tom Anderson wrote:
On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, Paul Scott wrote:

"solar penguin" wrote in message

I hope they improve the point where the Greenway passes under the
GER/DLR at Pudding Mill Lane. Last time I was there, it was _the_ worst
eyesore in all London!

If you mean the grotty waterlogged passageway under the outfall, that
you follow if walking the towpath, I definitely agree.

Ah, where it goes past a breaker's yard and round the back of a warehouse?
Yes, unbelievably awful.

Hmmm.... this must be the first time that anyone on Usenet has posted
"This is the worst..." and no-one's disagreed!

I'm not sure i'd say it was the worst eyesore in all of London (although
nothing worse springs to mind), but it's certainly the worst bit of the
greenway, and dramatically so. I appreciate that there's not a lot they
can do about a mainline railway, but it is bloody awful.

Oh, except the bit where it crosses an arterial road somewhere in Bow (Bow
High Street?) is pretty ridiculous too - if you're on your bike, you have
to get off, walk quite a way down the pavement, cross a couple of sets of
lights, then walk back up.

One of the railway bridges (LTSR?), on the other hand, is ace - there's a
collection of really good graffiti.


I thought it would be fun if I could get the baby do do communism stuff
with me, but when I tried to get her attention she crawled over to the
VCR and put a breadstick into it. That's not communism! That's anarchy! --